India provides 75 buses to Sri Lanka to support the public transport system

India has handed over 75 passenger buses to Sri Lanka as part of its assistance towards…

Sri Lanka Crisis Follow the Truth

Sri Lanka is battling a crisis (file photo) Colombo: Eko (Sri Lanka) The Indian High Commission…

Sri Lankan protesters start cooking at PM’s house, enter Rashtrapati Bhavan gym watch

Image Source: @ANI Sri Lankan protesters using President Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s gym. On Sunday, protesters were seen…

Gotabaya to resign on July 13 after protesters stormed his home, office

“To ensure a peaceful transition, the President said he would step down on July 13,” Mr…

Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa administers oath to 9 new cabinet ministers

Sri Lanka is facing its worst economic crisis since independence. (file) Colombo: Debt-ridden Sri Lanka on…

Sri Lanka refutes Indian intelligence claims that ‘LTTE regrouped to launch strikes’

Sri Lanka’s Defense Ministry dismisses reports of ex-LTTE cadre ‘re-organised to launch attacks’ and requests further…

Amidst economic crisis, Sri Lanka seeks $ 4 billion aid from IMF Top Updates

Finance Minister Ali Sabri said Sri Lanka needs $3 billion to $4 billion this year to…

Sri Lanka protests: Days of ruling Rajapaksa family? Doctor President Gotabaya?

“With the poor show in Sri Lanka, the same will happen for the Raje family.” ,…

Sri Lanka crisis: Parliament meets amid calls for President to step down

Sri Lanka’s parliament meets on Tuesday as a Economic Crisis Street protests and several lawmakers called…