हाथों में हो गई है टैनिंग और दिखने लगा है कालापन तो इस तरह हटाएं डार्कनेस, घर की ही चीजें आएंगी काम

टैनिंग को दूर करने के लिए अपनाएं ये तरीके.  Sun Tanning Home Remedies: सूरज की चिलचिलाती…

How to reverse post-swimming tanning

Prepare your skin well before swimming. Apply water-based sunscreen before going for a swim. Remember to…

Treatment of tanning of feet: By applying potato, macro and stretch properly, the complete tanning of the feet will clear in a day.

Foot Tanning Removal: The sun has turned the feet completely black, it changes the color. special…

The appearance of sunburn is very fast, these 4 remedies reduce sun allergy

Sunburn on face: Bad like this… special things because of the sun It is important to…

These 8 in communication to Sun Tan, the viewer is gray

Sun Tan Removal: Effective With The Effects Of The Sun special things tags: Some home remedies…