Ex-Senior Cop’s Claims About Telangana Phone-Tap Case, KCR’s Party’s Role

Hyderabad: In an explosive revelation in the Telangana phone tapping and snooping row, ex-Deputy Commissioner of…

Senior Cop Arrested In Telangana Phone Tap Row Makes Big Claim

Hyderabad: The snooping case that has erupted in Telangana – which could become a big issue…

4th Cop Arrested In Telangana Phone-Tapping Case, Accused No. 1 In US

Telangana: Sources have said over one lakh phone calls were tapped Hyderabad: A fourth accused who…

Ex-Intel Bureau Chief Named Accused No 1 In Telangana Phone-Tapping Row

Hyderabad: Former Telangana Intelligence Bureau chief T Prabhakhar Rao has been named as Accused No 1…

2 More Senior Telangana Cops Arrested For Phone Tapping, Destroying Data

Further investigation is under progress, police said. Hyderabad: Two more senior police officials have been arrested…