art as a healer

Beyond mere aesthetics, art becomes a transformative tool for our inner

Stress hormones in your hair may predict future risk of heart disease: study

Researchers have found a stress hormone in hair that, when measured, can predict future risk of…

Here’s How Ayurvedic Lifestyle Changes Can Help Manage Stress

Stress is the physical response of the body and mind to an event that occurs in…

Self-care tips: Experts share 5 easy ways to prioritize your well-being

A busy lifestyle and lack of work-life balance often lead to stress and anxiety, making it…

Feeling depressed but scared of medication? Research shows how anti-depressants can help reduce stress

Millions of people around the world suffer from depression as a result of psychological stress. However,…

Suffering from stress and anxiety? These 10 Foods Can Help You Relax

Stress and anxiety are two common issues that can have a significant impact on a person’s…

The AI ​​dilemma: our great risk is super AI in rogue human hands

Certainly, not all investors consider this to be a negative impact. Some investment gurus have even…

Finding it difficult to deal with stress? Nutritionists Recommend Three Tips

Nutritionist Bhakti Arora Kapoor comes up with solutions to manage your stress levels more efficiently. The…

Stress Can Make You Age Quickly, But It’s Not Irreversible

Last Update: April 25, 2023, 09:44 IST A new study suggests that stress has the potential…

National Stress Awareness Month: Practice Mindfulness, Set Realistic Goals

Yoga can reduce anxiety and depression, which are often associated with chronic pain. (Image: shutterstock) From…