in frames | Türkiye at a crossroads

TeaThe May 14 presidential and parliamentary elections in Turkey were seen by many as a crucial…

A more democratic Türkiye is within reach, says Kemal Kilikdaroglu

Six years ago, at a global forum in Strasbourg, I called on the world’s democrats to…

Indian economy needs a radical reset

Much has been written this past week about our achievements and failures of the last 75…

The dividends of democracy are worth the investment expected

History is replete with peculiar forms of human oppression, including slavery, racism, and elites crushing people’s…

Millennial Stunner

As India matures into a republic, one would assume that acceptance of democracy would also have…

Liberal economics creates liberal societies

A new form of ‘Gandhian’ democratic socialism driven by cooperative economic enterprises is needed. The rising…

Democracy and Back in Southeast Asia

Unfortunately, the hard earned gains of recent decades are now in jeopardy. Southeast Asia is falling…

Freedom and Power: On the Biden Summit for Democracy

Elected leaders must keep their promises of liberty and equality for their people Since his election…