क्या आपका तुलसी का पौधा भी हर बार सूखता और मुरझा जाता है? इन टिप्स को आजमाएं फिर देखिए पौधा रहेगा हरा भरा

आप चाहते हैं कि तुलसी हमेशा हरी भरी रहे तो इन बातों का हमेशा ध्यान रखें.…

According to the belief, water should be offered on Tulsi at this time, how to know the worship and monitoring of Tulsi

Tulsi Remedy: Know the right time to pour water on Tulsi here. Basil Tips: Tulsi embassies…

Tulsi Tips: According to belief, this plant should never be kept near Tulsi, it is considered bad

Basil Plant Tips: There are some basic things to avoid with basil. Tulsi Remedy: Tulsi embassies…

Do you know about these amazing health benefits of Tulsi?

Last Update: 14 September 2022, 20:20 IST Tulsi helps in detoxification of the body as it…

Shami Plant: Along with Tulsi it is also auspicious, there is a defect away from home!

Shami Plant Vastu: According to Vastu, auspicious beginning of Shami in the house. Shami Plant Vastu…

Vastu Tips for Plants: Drying of these 3 entry-plants in the house is bad, due to which it happens.

Vastu Tips for Plant: Vastu Tips for Plants: Life is conceivable, so trees and plants are…

Best Direction for Tulsi: Nadili in this direction of the house, otherwise Lakshmi is dub, the hatred of Mother Lakshmi

Where to plant Kotlika’s Tulsi plant Tulsi plant towards the southern direction in the WhatsApp or…

Tulsi: Which Tulsi plant is auspicious – Rama or Shyama, Know

Tulsi: Along with Vishnu, there was a transformation of Mother Lakshmi in Tulsi. special things Place…

Tulsi: Water in Tulsi will work anytime,

Special special rules in Tulsi. Special rules for offering water in Tulsi On Ekadashi day, also…

Save the basil plant from dying; Know what to do if the Tulsi plant dries up again and again

Image Source: INSTAGRAM/EVERYTHING_O_O_O save basil plant from dying Save Tulsi plant from dying: Known as the…