Meanwhile, Mumbai Police played Bela Ciao tune on the road, such was the reaction of the onlookers

Mumbai Police played the tune, you will also become a fan after listening You must remember…

When addicted to playing football by riding a dog, entered the field and did this work, the players were seen running

The dog entered the football field in the middle of the game, pressed the ball in…

The public jumped into the canal to directly loot the notes floating in the water! VIDEO created a sensation

Bundle of notes in the canal: It is said that only one can know the value…

VIDEO: Person is teaching Korean language in a tremendous way, claims to have taught 30 applicants!

If you know Hindi then you can learn Korean language in 30 pages! Learn Korean in…

Jugaad Video: Music system fitted in transmitters, connect itself plays on volume volume…

Transformer Viral Video: Indians have no answer in the case of Jugaad. Such magic is given…

‘Dadi’ did such a tremendous dance on the Haryanvi song, the mind will be shocked to see the VIDEO!

Dadi Dance Video: These days on social media people are riding on only one dance. On…

Bull trampled a 4-year-old child badly and sat on top of it, weak hearted people should not watch VIDEO

The bull became the child’s enemy, the strap attached to the horn first, then… Bull attacked…

VIDEO: The king of the jungle was heavily pranked, he chewed the person’s finger from inside!

read this also Lion attacked man in zoo No matter what the lion of the jungle…

VIDEO: The bride did such a thing with her sister during the entry, you will be shocked to see

Viral video of bride and her sister Bride Dance Video: Wedding day is very special for…

The boy was seen swimming in crores of pools at home, people gave a strange reaction after watching the video

In your childhood, you too must have thought or done for your crores of crores of…