UN raises death toll in Kabul classroom bombing to 35 as protests against ‘genocide’ of women – Times of India

Kabul: Death toll in a suicide bombing Kabul The UN said on Saturday that the class…

Life of Afghan women, girls changed unintentionally since Taliban returned last summer – Times of India

Kabul: One year later Taliban acquisition of AfghanistanSenior UN official in the country, Resident Coordinator Ramiz…

Taliban: Afghanistan: Women UN staff ‘instructed’ to wear hijab in office in latest Taliban decree – Times of India

Kabul : as Taliban in government Afghanistan Afghan women’s rights continue to stifle, latest decree orders…

Afghan universities reopen to hordes of women – Times of India

Mihtarlam: Some public universities in Afghanistan opened on Wednesday for the first time since the Taliban…

Taliban: UN urges Taliban to provide details on whereabouts of two missing women activists – Times of India

Kabul : United Nations expressed concern over the disappearance of two Afghan women activists who were…