World Press Freedom Day: UN chief tells nations to stop targeting media

On the occasion of World Press Freedom Day, the UN chief said media are under attack…

Sudan violence enters third week, UN says country is “collapsing”

Tens of thousands of people uprooted inside Sudan Khartoum: Bombing warplanes pounded Khartoum on Saturday with…

Winter sports sponsored by companies contributing to reducing snow cover

What could be the greatest irony of a world struggling to reverse the effects of climate…

UN chief lauds Indian activist D’Silva for her efforts to end gender-based violence

United Nations, Nov 22 (PTI) UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Tuesday lauded Indian gender activist and…

We’ll need binding promises for climate action to work

While climate chaos escalates, climate action stalls,” said UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres in a recent speech…

Planet heading towards ‘climate chaos’: UN chief urges global leaders to cut emissions, keep promises on climate financing

United Nations: UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned on Thursday that the planet is headed for irreversible…

A perfect storm in Pakistan – India should offer relief aid

With devastating floods in Pakistan amid political turmoil, New Delhi and Islamabad need to break out…

PM Modi talks with Shahid 2 Indian Comrade UNSG in Nango

New Delhi: Mana Narendra Modi announced the country (UG) unaffiliated on Friday. this also further MENUED…

Amid large Covid-19 outbreak in Asia, UN chief Guterres expresses caution

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has cautioned that the COVID-19 pandemic is not over as large outbreaks…

Satellite photos show aftermath of Abu Dhabi oil site attack – Times of India

Dubai: satellite photos Information obtained on Tuesday by the Associated Press shows the aftermath of a…