India Got Over $111 Billion In Remittances In 2022 – A World Record: UN

India became the first country to surpass the USD 100 billion mark in remittances (in 2022)…

Israel Military Push In Rafah Could Lead To “Slaughter”: UN

More than 28,000 people have been killed in Gaza since war began against Hamas. United Nations:…

US, UN Urge Pak, Iran To Show Restraint Amid Rising Middle East Tensions

UN chief urged both countries to exercise maximum restraint to avoid a further escalation of tensions.…

US, UN Urge Pak, Iran To Show Restraint Amid Rising Middle East Tensions

UN chief urged both countries to exercise maximum restraint to avoid a further escalation of tensions.…

“Blatant Armed Aggression”: Russia Slams US-UK Strikes On Yemen

US and UK launched air strikes against Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen on Friday amid tensions…

Gaza Has Become A “Graveyard” For Thousands Of Children: UN

The Gaza Strip has become a graveyard for thousands of children, the UN said. (File) Geneva:…

US Vetoes UN Security Council Resolution On Israel-Hamas War

12 out of 15 Council members voted in favor of the resolution put forward by Brazil.…

For First Time In 30 Years, UN Mission Arrives In Karabakh

Nearly all of Karabakh’s estimated 120,000 residents fled the territory. Baku: A United Nations mission arrived…

At UN meeting, India calls for protection of women’s rights in Afghanistan

Women’s rights should be respected in Afghanistan, India said at a UN meeting on Thursday. New…

Promoted globally as well as for “presentations” on stage at UNGA

It is the 11th in its 77-year history that UNGA has exclusively managed. Inclusive massive face…