Delhi: 64% COVID deaths among non-vaccinated people, people with comorbidities

Noting that 64% of the COVID deaths in Delhi have been observed among unvaccinated people and…

Tackling the Omicron wave, getting ready for the future

States may benefit from the use of learning as India is more likely to reflect South…

Poor start: In preparation for Australian Open

Djokovic visa controversy seems to have affected Australian Open run-up In recent times, the season-opening Australian…

In Canada, Court Bars Passing 12-Year-Old Child From Not Vaccinating Fathers

The issue arose after the father requested for extension of his allotted visitation time (Representational) Quebec:…

Coronavirus Live Updates | Kovid negative report necessary in Ganga Sagar fair: Calcutta HC

India’s COVID-19 vaccination coverage crossed 153.7 crore on Tuesday, with 76,68,282 vaccine doses given till 7…

30 times more likely to land in ICU without vaccination: Karnataka war room chief

“Unvaccinated people are 30 times more likely to land in the ICU,” the head of the…

Global Bank to terminate non-vaccinated employees by January 14

Office workers who don’t comply by January 14 will be placed on unpaid leave and their…

A measured response: on the Omicron threat

Omicron shouldn’t panic; While more contagious, data shows it to be less virulent. The threat posed…

Such in the middle of the OMC junction and those who do not connect the connection of the ban should be strictly punished..

It is said against various that it is wrong. In Greece, the government has made vaccines…

Omicron without vaccination in these countries amid fear, fines and ban

Many countries have taken measures against vaccinations being deployed by governments around the world. In the…