The Q1 crystal ball for consumer companies

Within consumer companies, the recovery in discretionary demand has not been uniform across the board. This…

Developing Sustainable Cities for the Future: An Urban Planner’s Perspective

India’s urban population is growing at an exponential rate. It is estimated that by 2030, more…

Inadequate response: on income criteria to identify EWS quota

₹8 lakh income criterion to identify EWS is not properly explained by the government submit by…

‘Up to 30% of Bengaluru’s poorest quintals want private healthcare’

Azim Premji University releases report on ‘Health Care Equity in Urban India’ In the light of…

Is there a better way to grow Miyawaki Urban Forests? , News – Times of India Videos

Barsa Nag Bhowmik November 18, 2021, 08:00 AM ISTSource: Small but dense forests are growing…