Tension is at its peak in America-China. so is commerce between nations

washington : US-China tension is at its peak. So is commerce between nations.

China, US trade climate as ties fluctuate

Singapore : Climate policy is fast becoming a new bone of contention between Washington and Beijing,…

Biden “did not discuss” US tariff changes during Xi call: US official

The US official said Biden did not discuss any possible moves against China over trade. Washington:…

Biden may soon ease Chinese tariffs in a decision filled with policy tensions

Washington President Biden is expected to roll back some tariffs on Chinese imports soon, a decision…

US moves to confront China on trade, industrial policy

US efforts to be launched in the coming months could include a new investigation into Beijing’s…

Will India invest more in the new year at the expense of China?

Although his successor, Joe Biden, campaigned on a promise to end the trade war, asserting that…

Beijing beats on trade deal promises, creates dilemma for Biden

The White House could potentially reinstate some of the tariffs that were cut as part of…

US ready to unveil China trade policy

The Biden administration will next week begin unveiling its China trade policy, which it has called…