US labor market rejects rate hike, posts strong job gains

The closely watched jobs report from the Labor Department on Friday also showed the unemployment rate…

US company fined for employing children to clean meat packing plant

A major food safety sanitation company has paid $1.5 million in fines for employing more than…

US jobless claims fall for the second straight week

Initial filings for unemployment benefits fell for the second consecutive week in late January, a sign…

Wall Street’s big wage hike makes US Fed’s job harder

For more than a year, an egalitarian narrative dominated the discussion about wages in America. Low-income…

US consumer inflation rose 7% in the previous year, the highest since 1982

Rising prices have wiped out the healthy wage growth that many Americans are getting, making it…

Cracking the whip: On Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate

US President Biden should not succumb to pressure from anti-vaccine campaigners President Joe Biden’s Comprehensive Vaccine…

US job openings rise to record 10.9 million in July

US job openings hit a new record high in July, reflecting staff shortages that are making…