According to the age of five to 11 years.

Global Drugs Standard Control Institute (CIT) Pathologist (CIT) Pathologist (COC), however, has given more approvals for…

The number of daily COVID cases in India has come down to 13,405; Tally rises to 4.28 crores

India sees a further drop in its daily Covid-19 cases on Tuesday. The country reported 13,405…

Biological-E insect Corbevax coybax found for record 12 to 18 years

It is the hinge to fight the war against Kovid-19 in India New Delhi: The Expert…

After CISCE, CBSE asks schools to promote vaccination among adolescents

Central Board of Secondary Examination (CBSE) has urged its affiliated schools to encourage vaccination of the…

Education Minister, Health Minister ask children of 15 to 18 years to register in CoWIN

The registrations for Covid-19 vaccination for children in the age group of 15 to 18 years…

CDSCO panel recommends emergency use authorization for SII’s Kovovax

Image Source: PTI CDSCO panel recommends emergency use authorization for SII’s Kovovax Highlight An expert panel…

Serum Institute to launch COVID-19 vaccine for children in six months: Adar Poonawalla

Mr Poonawalla said Kovovax is under trial and has shown excellent data in all respects for…

video | Vaccine plan for children, additional dose within 2 weeks: source

The COVID-19 vaccination for children is one of several key points at the meeting of the…

Covid-19 vaccine: Pfizer approves for children aged 5 to 11

The emergency authorization, announced Friday in a statement from the Food and Drug Administration, brings the…

Coronavirus Updates | EU drug regulator approves booster dose of Moderna’s COVID shot

India is committed to supplying COVID-19 vaccines to other countries and such supplies are likely to…