Coping With Age-related Vision Changes: 6 Practical Strategies For Better Eye Health

Our bodies change as we age, and this also applies to our vision. Many changes in…

World Glaucoma Day 2024: How Diabetes Can Put Your Vision at Risk? Expert Shares

World Glaucoma Day, observed on March 12th annually, aims to raise awareness about glaucoma, a leading…

Roche Pharma launches Vabysmo to treat vision impairment

New Delhi: Roche Pharma India, a subsidiary of Swiss pharmaceutical giant Roche, has launched Vabysmo (faricimab)…

Preventing Vision Loss in Diabetes: 9 Fundamental Tips To Protect Your Eyesight

Diabetes, a chronic condition characterized by high blood sugar levels, can have a profound impact on…

Vision Loss In Senior Citizens May Signal Risk Of Dementia: Study

Sight loss in people over 71 years old may be linked to dementia, suggests a new…

Eye Drops May Be More Effective To Treat Retina Disease Than Injections: Study

Eye drops could be a more effective — and comfortable — therapy for a common eye…

Eye Health: Glaucoma Causes, Preventive Care, Early Intervention, and Treatment

Eye Health and Care: Glaucoma is an eye condition which, if ignored, can lead to permanent…

Exclusive: Diabetic Retinopathy: Can High Blood Sugar Cause Blindness – Get Expert Advice

Blindness due to diabetes When there is too much sugar in the blood, it results in…

Myth Busters: Debunking 5 Common Misconceptions About Glaucoma

Treatment of Glaucoma: Glaucoma is a highly misunderstood disease, and unfortunately, many people remain unaware of…

As India ages, keeping an eye on the elderly

Eye care service delivery is uniquely placed to help with health monitoring and planning, with major…