Promise and pragmatism: on Jacinda Ardern’s tenure as New Zealand PM

Jacinda Ardern’s time as Prime Minister of New Zealand was marked by a number of continuing…

Watch: Drone flying over volcano collided with lava, still took breathtaking shots

This video has surprised internet users. A dramatic video is going viral on the internet in…

Tonga’s three small islands badly damaged by tsunami

UN humanitarian officials report that around 84,000 people – more than 80% of Tonga’s population –…

Tonga: Pacific tsunami risk low, volcanic ash hindering response – Times of India

Wellington: tsunami danger all around Calm from under a huge water volcanic eruptions began to decrease…

Video: Huge plume of smoke after massive volcanic eruption in Tonga

The initial explosion lasted at least eight minutes and sent plumes of gas Nuku’alofa, Tonga: Frightened…

Archaeologists unearth room shedding light on slave life in ancient Pompeii – Times of India

Milan: Archaeologists have uncovered a room just outside a villa Pompeii consisting of bedding and other…

There’s no end to La Palma evacuations after months of volcanic eruptions – Times of India

La Palma, Spain: a month later Cumbre Vieja Volcano Explosion on Spanish island la palma Spewing…