एक साथ चार लड़कियों के साथ शादी के फेरे लेता नजर आया शख्स, देख ये एक्टर भी हुआ हैरान बोला- ये क्या चल रहा है

एक साथ चार लड़कियों से शादी कर रहे शख्स को देख क्या बोले KRK नई दिल्ली:…

The family members were seen forcefully sending the bride away, watching the video you will be laughing

VIDEO: The family members bid farewell to the bride like this, seeing you will also laugh…

The bride got irritated at the entry, made everyone angry, VIDEO went viral on social media

Bride’s video went viral New Delhi : Wedding is the most special day for every girl.…

The guests were dancing at the wedding, all of a sudden the baratis got buried in the ground and the earth, the cameraman again did something like this, people said – someone stop it

guest on earth New Delhi : One gets to see something strange in marriage. People remember…

Video: Brother-in-law caught sister-in-law’s hand on the stage, you will not be able to see what happened next

Trending Jija Saali Video: Laughter and jokes often go on in the fun of marriage, whether…

While doing fitness free bride dance, suddenly the grooms started leaving the exercise, surprised the groom and the guests were left watching.

See also the dance of this bride full of energy and the pushups done with the…


Play New Delhi : Before ever matching in marriage, think far and wide. This video is…


many many New Delhi : In order to do this sacred work, it is an ego.…