New US base on Guam aims to intimidate China

The US Marine Corps marked the opening of a new base on America’s westernmost Pacific island,…

WHO director in Asia accused of racism, misbehavior placed on leave – Times of India

London: Top Director of the World Health Organization western pacificDoctor. takeshi butcherAccording to internal correspondence obtained…

WHO drops endemic nation tag to boost monkeypox fight – Times of India

GENEVA: The World Health Organization said it has removed the distinction between endemic and non-endemic countries…

WHO discards endemic country distinction for monkeypox – Times of India

GENEVA: The World Health Organization says it has removed the distinction between endemic and non-endemic countries…

Africa: Covid-19 is falling everywhere except America and Africa: WHO – Times of India

GENEVA: The number of new coronavirus cases reported worldwide continues to decline, except that Of America…

Covid 19: Covid-19 cases, deaths continue to decline globally, says WHO – Times of India

LONDON: The number of new coronavirus cases and deaths globally continues to decline over the past…

Globally, the number of weekly Covid-19 cases and deaths continues to decline: WHO – Times of India

United Nations: Weekly COVID-19 cases and deaths continue to decline globally World Health Organization has said,…

India, Australia, Japan and America will start naval exercises from October 11. News – Times of India Videos

Sep 10, 2021, 10:54 am ISTSource: times now India, Australia, Japan and the US will begin…