Russia reinsurer backs firms to get India marine insurance permit

Russia’s state-owned reinsurer has given financial backing to three Russian insurance firms, allowing them to get…

Russia outsmarts Western sanctions—and China is paying attention

All of this displeases Western policymakers, who are trying to make sanctions more stringent. Mr Ahmad…

US says Russia using ‘nuclear shield’ in Ukraine, risk of horrific accident – Times of India

United Nations/Kyiv: The United States says Russia is using Ukraine’s largest nuclear power plant as a…

‘Russia defends the motherland in Ukraine’: Putin’s Victory Day speech 1945

Even as Russia presses its punishing war on the Eastern European country of Ukraine, President Vladimir…

West imposed sanctions against “Putin’s girlfriend”. why over here

Vladimir Putin has never acknowledged relations with Alina Kabaeva. (AFP file photo) The United States and…

China wants to revive ties with Europe

Over the years, Chinese leaders have deployed a divide-and-win approach to Europe, giving some countries such…

India can replace West in Russia’s pharmaceutical market, claims Moscow

Moscow : Russian envoy to India Denis Alipov said on Friday that Indian pharmaceutical companies can…