Why senior managers walk on eggshells around Gen Z at the workplace

The senior recounted how the shock of skipping the meeting to “take dogs for a walk”…

Prioritising Tasks to Regular Breaks: 5 habits to be more productive at work

Image Source : GOOGLE 5 habits to be more productive at work Feeling overwhelmed by your…

5 effective tips to craft a positive and supportive workplace environment

Image Source : GOOGLE 5 effective tips to craft a supportive work environment In today’s dynamic…

Mental Health At Workplace: 6 Essential Practices For Work-Life Balance

Mental health at the workplace is crucial, with stress and burnout becoming increasingly common. To achieve…

Swiss knife to Lucknow diaries: Four women executives on guilt and success

View Full Image Shakshi Saxena Sharma, senior analyst, Genpact. Shakshi Saxena Sharma carries a Swiss knife…

Adam Sandler & Carey Mulligan Discuss Balancing Career & Family At ‘Spaceman’ Premiere News18

Adam Sandler & Carey Mulligan Discuss Balancing Career & Family At ‘Spaceman’ Premiere News18 NEWS18 NEWS18…

The Latest Country To Give Right To Ignore Calls, Emails After Hours

Australia will soon follow some European nations in giving workers the right to disconnect after office…

Long Working Hours Taking A Toll? Impact Of Overworking On Employee Mental Health

In the fast-paced world of modern work, long hours have become the norm for many employees.…

Managing Workplace Stress: Effective Tips For Employers And Employees, Experts Share

Implementing flexible work schedules and promoting work-life balance are effective strategies that can help in stress…

Bill Gates’ perspective on work-life balance contrasts with Murthy’s stance

Bill Gates‘ success story has inspired many, marked by the creation and elevation of Microsoft alongside…