Video: Harsh Goenka shares tips to maintain work-life balance

Harsh Goenka shares a short clip from actor Anthony Hopkins’ interview Struggling to maintain work-life balance…

7 effective ways to deal with stress at work

Almost everyone who has ever worked has experienced the pressure of work-related stress at some point.…

Care! Complete the pending works in office hours otherwise…

New Delhi: Two years after the onslaught of Kovid 19, companies are focusing on getting more…

Oslo tops the list for healthy work-life balance, check out other cities on the list

Finding the right work-life balance is a daunting task for many of us, but the residents…

Employees of this Indian start-up can now take a 30-minute afternoon nap

The company said that it is working towards making comfortable nap pods. (agent) An Indian start-up…

Want a better work-life balance? follow these tips

Image Source: Freepik woman working on laptop Highlight Health should remain at the center of our…

a short workweek

The United Arab Emirates has announced that it will switch to a 4.5-day working week and…

LinkedIn survey finds 55% of professionals are stressed

According to a LinkedIn survey, most 55% of working professionals in India are feeling stressed at…