Taiwan proposes tougher law to stop China’s piracy technology

The flag of Taiwan flutters in the wind on June 30, 2021 in Taoyuan, Taiwan. Reuters / Ann Wang

Taiwan’s government on Wednesday proposed tightening a law to prevent China from stealing key technology, reflecting concerns in Taipei that Beijing is stepping up espionage efforts against the island.

  • Reuters
  • Last Update:October 02, 2021, 15:29 IST
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Taiwan’s government on Wednesday proposed tightening a law to prevent China from stealing key technology, reflecting concerns in Taipei that Beijing is stepping up espionage efforts against the island. Taiwan is home to a thriving and world-leading semiconductor industry, which is used in everything from fighter jets to cars, and the government has long been concerned about Chinese attempts to duplicate that success, including industrial espionage. , poaching and other methods.

Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council said it was proposing amendments to an existing law governing China’s ties that would require government funding for some technology in order for people to obtain permission before visiting China. Violators of the law will face fines of up to T$10 million ($360,555). The council did not specify what a “national core technology” is or how the government defines “certain subsidies” provided by them, saying it would seek help from the technology ministry and further amend the rules.

A senior Taiwanese government official familiar with the matter told Reuters last month that the amendment was to protect the island’s manufacturing technology for advanced chips, which industry experts say is ahead of China’s generation.

Taiwan’s parliament would need to pass the amendment.

Four lawmakers from the ruling Democratic Progressive Party proposed in April legislation to widen the scope of what is considered a covert and harsh punishment. Taiwan blames China for most cases of industrial espionage by foreign powers discovered in recent years.

Taiwan is particularly concerned by Chinese efforts to boost its semiconductor industry by “poaching” Taiwanese talent.

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