Taiwan will buy 400 US anti-ship missiles with the intention of repelling China’s invasion

Taiwan will buy more than 400 land-launched Harpoon missiles approved by Congress in 2020 with the intention of repelling a possible Chinese invasion, according to the trade group’s leader and people familiar with the issue.

Taiwan had previously purchased ship-launched versions of the Harpoon, built by The Boeing Company. Now, a contract with Boeing issued on behalf of Taiwan by the US Naval Air Systems Command is the first for a mobile, land-launched version. Rupert Hammond-Chambers, president of the US-Taiwan Business Council. Three other people familiar with the deal, including an industry official, confirmed that the contract is for Taiwan.

The Pentagon announced a $1.7 billion contract with Boeing on April 7 but made no mention of Taiwan as a buyer. The deal comes as US-China tensions escalate, particularly over Taiwan, the self-governing island that China claims as part of its territory. China held military drills around Taiwan this month after its president met with US President Kevin McCarthy in California.

Defense Department spokesman Army Lt. Col. Martin Meiners declined to say whether Taiwan would be the recipient of the Harpoon missiles, but said that “we will continue to work with industry to provide defense equipment to Taiwan in a timely manner.”

“The United States’ provision for Taiwan’s defense articles, including maintaining existing capabilities through foreign military sales and direct commercial sales, is essential to Taiwan’s security,” Meiners said.

The Harpoon contract has been cited by members of Congress, including Representative Michael McCaul, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, as part of $19 billion in “backlogged” US sales to Taiwan that they say There is a need to speed it up. In addition to the Harpoon, the list includes the F-16 Block 70 fighter, MK-48 torpedoes, M109A6 Paladin self-propelled howitzers and Stinger missiles.

The backlog and the Harpoon sale are likely to be discussed on Tuesday at a House Armed Services Committee hearing focusing on the Indo-Pacific.

The ground-launched Harpoon missiles used for coastal defense featured prominently in a series of tabletop war games of a possible invasion of Taiwan by China organized last year by the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

“Due to their mobility and ability to range the entire strait, these missiles were highly effective against Chinese invasion forces,” said analyst Mark Cansian. He also reduced the need for US forces to be stationed on the island. However, 400 isn’t nearly enough. Taiwanese want more.”

A $498 million contract was awarded to Boeing specifically for Taiwan, which ordered Harpoon “Coastal Defense System” launch equipment such as mobile transporters, radar and training equipment ahead of a $1.7 billion arms contract in March 2022.

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