‘Take caution as flu cases are on the rise’ Patna News – Times of India

PATNA: The city has been witnessing an increasing number of flu-like cases over the past few weeks, with many people complaining of fever, cough, sore throat, nasal congestion and body aches. Health experts say that this year such cases are 60 to 80 percent more than last year.
not only PatnaMany parts of the country are also seeing an increase in the number of patients suffering from fever or other flu-like symptoms. Even a recent survey Delhi NCR It was found that eight out of ten households had one or more family members with viral or flu-like symptoms. Diwakar Tejashwi said, “Almost the same is the situation in Patna. At least 80% of the families either have or know of any of their relatives suffering from such symptoms.” He said that while there are cases of viral infection after monsoon, this time many cases of Kovid-19 have also been added to the list of people suffering from fever, cough and body ache. He said that out of the 25 patients who come to him daily, at least ten are coming with such symptoms and on an average two of them have been found infected with Kovid-19.
He said that the climate is also favorable for viruses, which become active in such hot and humid weather. “Since schools and colleges are open and other social functions are also taking place, the chances of spreading the virus are high,” he advised people to seek symptomatic treatment, avoid cold food and air conditioners.
The doctor said that people can take plain paracetamol and some safe anti-allergic medicines, he said, adding that the temperature should be kept above 28 degree Celsius in case of using AC.
Dr Rajeev Ranjan Prasad, Dean of Medicine at Aryabhatta Knowledge University and former President of IMA, also said that this time the number of people complaining of flu-like symptoms was much higher than before.