Taliban has responsibility to Afghan people to provide stability: Saudi Arabia’s foreign minister – Times of India

New Delhi: It is the responsibility of Taliban to provide stable, inclusive, governance system in Afghanistan. Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saudi, foreign Minister Saudi ArabOn his first visit to India.
He said that they have to fulfill the promises made to the international community and not allow international terrorist groups to take root.
External Affairs Minister S. Talking to TOI after discussing with Jaishankar on Sunday, Prince Faisali The Taliban are now in charge in Kabul. They have a responsibility to the Afghan people to provide stability, a government that can provide the necessary security for the people of Afghanistan, as well as the necessary economic, social and other structures. And I believe there is only one way this can be achieved, that is inclusivity and involving all sectors of our society.
“In addition, they have made commitments to the international community regarding security and not allowing any international terrorist groups to take root. And, of course, we need to find a way to hold them accountable for those commitments. And that will take a coordinated approach among the international community.”
It is the first clear expression of Saudi’s position on the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan, which takes a very different position from where they were during the Taliban’s first regime in the 1990s. The visible change in Saudi Arabia’s position comes as Taliban 2.0 has shown close ties with Qatar, Turkey and Iran, Saudi Arabia’s geopolitical rivals in the region. It was clear that the Taliban had invited Turkey, Qatar, Iran, Pakistan, Russia and China for their inauguration, but left Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, which were their major supporters, in the 1990s.
After meeting Prince Faisal, Jaishankar tweeted, “A cordial and fruitful meeting with Saudi FM HH Faisalbin Farhan. Discussed our cooperation in the political, security and socio-cultural pillars of our strategic partnership. Very fruitful exchange of views on Afghanistan, the Gulf and the Indo-Pacific. A foreign ministry readout about the meeting said that the two leaders “exchanged views on developments in Afghanistan and other regional issues. They also discussed bilateral cooperation in multilateral fora such as the United Nations, G-20 and Of gcc
Speaking to TOI, Prince Faisal said, “The relationship between the state and India is critically important to us, a key priority” adding that the aim of his visit was “to ensure … the momentum remains in the relationship.” ” Saudi Arabia and India are largely “in bilateral relations, of course, but also in our approach to regional and international affairs”, he said.
“The depth and breadth of the relationship has grown exponentially over the past four years, driven largely by the attention given by the leadership, Prime Minister Modi And the King and the Crown Prince … we work very closely together politically, of course, also in the security sector, in the areas of counter-terrorism, anti-extremism.”
Asked about Iran and a possible resumption of nuclear talks, Prince Faisal said, “It is important for regional security that we find a way to ensure that Iran’s nuclear program is used only for civilian purposes.” In this regard, we feel that a return to the JCPOA in itself is not enough. We need to return to a stronger, longer agreement and we hope that the Iranians will see that towards a stable region and with their neighbors. The strong relationship with us is through assuring us that the nuclear program does not pose any threat.”


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