Taliban orders forces to respect ‘public privacy’ – Times of India

Kabul: In a surprise decree, the Taliban-led Deputy Ministry of Virtue and Virtue has ordered its forces against the invasion.people’s privacyAnd told them not to take people’s phones and go through them.
Tolo News reported that a spokesman for the Ministry of Vice and Virtue warned that the Islamic Emirate would punish security forces who violated the decree.
“Acting Deputy and Virtue Minister Sheikh Mohamed Khalid has said at various events that islamic emirates army It is not allowed to pick up people’s phones and go through them,” said ministry spokesman Mohammad Sadiq Akif.
This comes days after the organization ordered that some taxi drivers in Kabul do not carry male and female passengers at the same time.
“Last week, they told us that men and women should not be in a vehicle at the same time,” said Abdullah Jan, a driver.
Despite such decrees and actions, Taliban continue to say that it is committed rights of women Based on Islamic rules.
Signs of the brutal 1996-2001 Taliban regime have reappeared on the streets of Kabul since the Taliban came to power in August.
Women were forced to wear a burqa, not to go out without a male guardian. Prayer times were ruthlessly imposed, men were forced to grow beards.
The ministry of virtue and vice has also issued “religious guidelines”, calling on Afghanistan’s TV channels to stop showing women in plays and soap operas.
