Taliban says ‘women’s rights not a priority’ despite global condemnation

Kabul: Amid ongoing violations of the rights of Afghan women under Taliban rule – banned from universities, as well as from working in non-governmental organizations (NGOs), Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid said in a statement that the reversal restrictions against women Khama is not a priority for the group, according to Press reports.

The Taliban said on Saturday it would not allow any acts that violate Islamic law and that concerns related to restrictions on women’s rights in the country would be dealt with according to the group’s established rules.

Khama Press reported that the Taliban’s chief spokesman, Zabiullah Mujahid, said in a statement, “The Islamic Emirate tries to regulate all matters according to Islamic Sharia, and the ruling government cannot allow actions against Sharia in the country. ”

The latest action by the Taliban to ban women from working in non-governmental organizations has sparked protests by women’s university students and women activists in several regions of the country, as well as condemnation globally.

Some foreign governments, including the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, the European Union (EU), the United Nations (UN), the OIC and other international aid organizations, strongly condemned the action and urged the Taliban’s caretaker government to step down. Khama Press reported that the restrictions and permission for Afghan girls and women to continue their education and work with NGOs.

According to a UNICEF report released in August, the fact that girls in Afghanistan are denied secondary education has cost the country’s economy at least US$500 million over the past 12 months, which is 2.5 percent of GDP. Is.

Zabiullah Mujahid also called on Afghanistan’s partners and international aid organizations to understand religious demands in Afghanistan and avoid politicizing humanitarian aid, Khama Press reported.

On 13 January, 11 countries urged Afghanistan’s Taliban administration to lift all restrictions against women and girls, allowing them to return to public life – to receive education and return to work.

However, Taliban officials have shown no change in their strict policy regarding the education, employment and movement of women in the country.

Meanwhile, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), an intergovernmental grouping that includes all Muslim-majority countries, rejected the Taliban’s claim that its treatment of Afghan women and girls is in line with Islam’s Sharia law, Khama Press told.

The OIC has repeatedly called on Taliban officials to remove gender-based restrictions and allow Afghan women and girls to benefit from the fundamental rights inherent in them to receive education, work, and appear in public environments.