Taliban: Taliban government blocks media outlets from holding conference – Times of India

New Delhi: Taliban in government Afghanistan Media institutions prevented from holding press conferences Kabul On concerns about the state of the media in the country, the media organizations reported.
The conference was to be held in Kabul on Wednesday tolo news,
The Afghanistan Journalists Center said in a statement that 11 delegates from various media organizations were to participate in the conference.
“All national and international media outlets were covering it, however, unfortunately, due to the verbal order of the authorities Islamic EmirateThe conference was cancelled,” said Ali Asghar AkbarzadaHead of the Afghanistan National Journalists Association.
a member of Afghanistan National Journalists Association Said that the Islamic Emirate has instructed them not to hold the conference until permission is given.
Akbarzada said, “We call on the Islamic Emirate to finalize its decision in the future. They should take the decision as soon as possible and give us a permit so that we can hold our conference based on it.”
The Taliban government did not comment on whether it had restricted the gathering of media outlets, but said it supports media based on Islamic rules.
According to media reports, since the Taliban came to power in Afghanistan, more than 43 percent of media activities have been stopped and more than 60 percent of media workers have become unemployed.
