Taliban: Taliban warns US against violating its airspace – Times of India

Islamabad: Afghanistaninterim of Taliban The government on Wednesday warned the United States to stop violating its airspace to prevent any negative consequences.
Taliban spokesman in a statement issued from Kabul zabihullah mujahidi Said that US drone strikes inside Afghanistan are a violation of national security and a violation of international law and rights.
“We have recently seen the United States violate all international rights, laws and commitments to Islamic Emirate in Doha, Qatar, because Afghanistan’s sacred airspace is under attack by US drones,” said Mujahid, who is the deputy minister for information and culture in the Taliban cabinet. He urged Washington to end these violations .
“Under international laws, countries are the sole owners of their territorial and air sovereignty. Therefore, the Islamic Emirate, as the sole legal entity of Afghanistan, is the custodian of Afghanistan’s land and airspace,” he said.
“We call on all countries, especially the United States, to treat Afghanistan in the light of international rights, laws and commitments, considering mutual respect and commitments, to prevent any negative consequences. ” mujahid added.
After Mujahid’s statement, US officials said they did not need to cooperate with the Taliban to combat terrorism. “We retain all the necessary authorities to carry out anti-terrorist operations beyond the horizon and we are confident in advancing these capabilities without speaking out specific rules of engagement around airstrikes. Airspace currently with the Taliban There is no need to evacuate and we do not expect any future over-the-horizon counter-terrorist attacks to hinge on such approval.” john kirbyUS Defense Department spokesman said recently.
On August 29, two weeks after the Taliban toppled the previous US-backed government, US forces targeted a vehicle. Zamari Ahmadiq, a humanitarian activist, in a drone strike, killed him and nine of his family members in Kabul. He was suspected of having links with ISIS/Daesh-Khorasan.
The US acknowledged this month that 10 civilians, including an aid worker and seven children, were killed in an airstrike.
Meanwhile, the Cultural Commission of the Taliban’s Ministry of Information and Culture has called Qing zaheer shah era The constitution will remain in force till a new constitution is made. King Zaheer ShahiThe Constitution of India has 11 chapters and 128 articles. According to the document, the king is the final authority in decision making.
According to sources, the enforcement of the King Zahir Shah-era constitution was repeatedly put forward by the Taliban’s negotiating team during intra-Afghan talks in Doha.


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