Tamil Nadu: Guest worker’s daughter dies in leopard attack in Arkadu Coimbatore News – Times of India

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Udhagamandalam: The four-year-old daughter of a guest worker was killed by a leopard in a private tea garden. Arkadu In the Denaducombai section of eucalyptus Division of forests on Wednesday
Assistant Conservator of Forests sarvankumar the girl said, K Saridh, was attacked by a leopard when she went deep into the property, about 100 meters away from her home, to join the call of nature. Hearing his cries, the employees of the estate reached the spot and saw saridha with severe neck injury.
He was taken to the Government Medical College and Hospital in Ooty, where doctors declared him brought dead. Saridha was the daughter of Kishanath, a native of Assam. He has been working in a private tea garden for the past few years.
Preliminary investigation by forest officials revealed that pugmarks of leopards were found near the spot. “We are going to install camera-traps in the tea garden to keep a watch on the movement of leopards. Also, a team of field staff has been deployed for day and night patrol,” Saravanakumar said.
The private tea garden is located 2 km away from the Mainala Reserve Forest, where leopards are often found roaming. The forest department handed over ₹50,000 to Sarida’s parents as initial compensation.

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