Tanmay created history by becoming the first student in top NEET from Jammu in 2021, score 720/720

Tanmay Gupta creates history by becoming the first person from J&K to reach the top Medical Entrance Exam – NEET 2021, He secured All India Rank 1 by scoring full marks which is 720 out of 720. He shares the top rank with two other candidates – Mrinal Kutri from Telangana and Karthika G Nair from Maharashtra.

Tanmay has followed a strict routine to achieve this feat. He used to prepare and follow a timetable every morning to prepare for medical admission. “From the very beginning, I knew it was going to be a long journey. I used to keep NEET preparation hand in hand with my schooling and also continued my hobby to avoid burn-out.”

The topper used to study for at least eight hours a day. The days when he used to go to school, he used to study for four hours. His study schedule changed daily. “I used to wake up every morning at 6 and make a schedule of what topics and topics I wanted to cover every day. I used to follow the schedule and complete it by the end of the day,” Tanmay explained.

Tanmay also claims that he was never a part of any social media. During his off-hours, he used to play with his friends before the lockdown induced by the COVID-19 pandemic hit the country. Whenever he got time, he also used to watch some TV serials.

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“The moral support is a must for this kind of test and my family inspired me,” he said. The 18-year-old now wants to join AIIMS Delhi to further his medical journey. Tanmay comes from a family of doctors. Father is an orthodontist, his mother is a dentist. His grandfather is a general practitioner and his grandmother is a gynecologist. He also has two cousins ​​who have studied Bachelor of Dentist Surgery (BDS).

He started preparing for medical admission from class 11th. Tanmay told News18.com, “I wanted to become a doctor from the beginning and I had made up my mind to appear in NEET as I was in 9th standard.”

Like other toppers, Tanmay also studied NCERT thoroughly and said it is the most important thing to score better marks. Not just books and coaching class notes, his friends also helped him with his preparation and notes.

However, everything changed after COVID-19, says Tanmay. “Offline classes turned online. It was difficult at first but gradually they got used to it and kept on preparing.”

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He completed 10th standard from KC Public School Jammu, but for class 12th, he moved to Delhi, where he studied at DPS RK Puram, affiliated to CBSE and lived there with his grandparents. She has secured 97.6 percent marks in her board exams this year.

As for his fellow NEET aspirants, he says, “They must remember that it is a long journey and every day must set a goal for themselves and achieve it. Set your mind on it and be persistent. Long term.” There is no need to study till date, but be persistent and study every day, even if of short duration.”

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