Taurus Horoscope April 2022: Education, career, business, love, marriage and children – Times of India

Taurus Horoscope April 2022 For Students: Education
Ganesha says Dear Taurus natives, you will display your strength and talent on your academic front this month. Your presence in your department will make a difference. People associated with the field of engineering and technology will get a chance to reach the coast this month.
Career of the people of Taurus zodiac in April 2022
Ganesha says that your career front is looking moderate this month. You will be under a lot of pressure to meet your deadline this week. If you are into engineering and medicine, you may have to deal with workload and other issues, including rapport with your co-workers. You are more likely to get promotion in the second half of the month.
Business Predictions for Taurus in April 2022
Ganesha says that your business front seems to be all settled this month. This month you will get a chance to gain fame and take important decisions. As your Ascendant lord enters your tenth house in the second half of the month, you will be able to deal with your old losses.
Love Life in April 2022 for Taurus
You and your partner will not be able to get along well in the first three weeks of the month, says Ganesha and you really have to be very patient with them for general issues in your relationship. Venus will transit in a favorable position in the last week of the month, which can lead to better situations in your love life.
Marriage – Taurus Horoscope April 2022
This month you have to be really careful as far as your married life is concerned, says Ganesha. Those who are already married may get into a tense situation with their spouse due to conflict of views and disagreements on family matters. In the second half of the month, you will be able to see things getting better between you and your spouse.
Children – Taurus Horoscope April 2022
Your children will require a lot of care and concern this month, says Ganesha. You almost have to be present and attentive to their thoughts and plant food stores. If your kids fall under the age group of 16 to 25 years, they may face mental health issues, possibly in the second week of the month. . The transit of Moon will affect your fifth house.