Teacher arrested in Coimbatore for sexually assaulting teenager, abetment to suicide

According to the police, the Class 12 girl student died of suicide on Thursday evening (Representational image)

Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu:

A private school teacher in Coimbatore was arrested by the All Women Police Station (AWPS) on Friday for allegedly sexually assaulting a 17-year-old girl and abetting her suicide under relevant sections of the POCSO Act and the Indian Penal Code.

According to the police, the Class 12 student committed suicide on Thursday evening when her parents were not at home.

The school teacher, identified as Mithun Chakraborty, repeatedly sexually assaulted her inside the school six months ago and warned of dire consequences if she told anyone about it, police said. As the schools were closed due to the pandemic, the teacher used to call the girl to school and allegedly beat her up on the pretext of helping her in filing school copies from the record room.

The police also said that four months ago, the girl approached the principal and told about the incident, but the principal took the incident lightly and asked her to proceed.

The student was depressed after the incident and expressed his reluctance to go to school. About three-four months ago she told her parents that she does not want to go to school and also requested for a transfer certificate.

However, when she went with her father to collect the certificate, the management and the principal took her to a psychiatrist for consultation.

He had enrolled in another school two months ago.

However, changing schools and consulting a psychiatrist did not help the girl to come out of the trauma.

On Thursday evening, when the girl was alone in the house, she died. When her mother returned home in the evening, she found the girl hanging from the ceiling at around 7 pm on Thursday.

Based on a complaint by the parents, the AWPS stipulated sections 306 (abetment to suicide), 9(L) (committing sexual assault on child more than once or repeatedly) read with 10 (serious sexual assault) Punishment for) ) under the POCSO Act.

The police have sent Chakraborty to judicial custody.
