Teacher stops mom from sending child’s “distracting” lunch, angers internet

This Korean mom goes to great lengths to send a packed lunch to her preschool with her son every morning. But a sudden phone call from the child’s teacher startled her. The teacher described her food as “disgusting and unfit” and asked her to stop sending her child to school. The 34-year-old mother of a 5-year-old son took to Reddit to share her woes and find solutions. The post angered other Reddit users who came out in support of him after reading the full story.

A woman who goes by the name ‘flowergarden0’ on Reddit shared that the teacher made no effort to seem kind and spoke in an extremely rude and angry tone, stating that her lunch had an unpleasant smell and was very distracting to her. Was. other students.

Read also: “Horrible Sandwich”, Schoolboy Criticizing Mom-Made Lunch Gets Internet Laughs

Even though she was shocked, she politely acknowledged the concern and told the teacher, “The lunches I pack certainly aren’t the healthiest, but they’re to my son’s liking.”
In the post, the mom also revealed what kind of foods she usually packs in her kid’s lunch box, “The typical lunch I send him to school is blue cheese, goat cheese with little celery have sticks, kimchiSpam and Spicy Doritos Marinated in Sriracha (I know, I know, but he deserves a snack, and I don’t put many chips in a baggie.)”

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AITA for packing my child an “inappropriate” lunch?
By u/flowergarden0 In AmItheAsshole

Even as the mother politely refused the request saying that she could not make drastic changes in her son’s diet, the teacher did not relent and asked him to stop sending the food then. The teacher wrote in the mail, “Her lunch is now too unsuitable to be sent to school.”

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Outraged Reddit users sided with the mother and left comments:

“Report her to the principal. Her comments about your son’s food are ‘disgusting’ and have an ‘unpleasant tone. She is now very unfit to teach at school.”

One user wrote, “Your son’s food is absolutely normal. For a 5 year old child. Your family’s food is normal.”
“The other thing that bothers me about this is, if (and still a big ‘if!’) other kids are really ‘distracted’ by food (read: bullying your child about food), it’s not the teacher. is going to do a good job protecting his son and teaching these kids to accept differences. Instead he is likely to engage in bullying himself.”

“My oldest preschool teacher hated that I sent tuna salad sandwiches to school. [with him] Once a week for lunch, as it was and still is his favorite sandwich. She didn’t bring it up to me even once but always told him she thought it smelled and she personally didn’t like it but she was glad he did.

“I’m a preschool teacher and I’ve never thrown away a child’s lunch. Teachers and schools like this are crossing the line. With so many families struggling, I’m glad my students are eating. I’d rather see kids eat edibles than have some leftovers from dinner that they won’t eat.”
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