Technical fault or bad weather? Imran Khan survives plane crash – Times of India

Gujranwala: Aircraft carrying former Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan KHAN According to local media, the plane survived the accident during an emergency landing on Saturday due to a technical fault.
Daily Pakistan Quoting the report of a local TV channel that Imran Khan On Saturday, he was going to Gujranwala in a special plane to address a rally.
According to the publication, the pilot of the plane then contacted the control tower and managed to land the plane safely. It is to be noted that after the emergency landing, Khan continued his journey to Gujranwala by road.
Quoting PTI leader azhar mashwaniDaily Pakistan reported that Khan’s plane returned to Islamabad soon after takeoff due to bad weather.
The PTI leader tweeted, “The report of any technical fault in the aircraft is incorrect.”
The President of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf has called upon activists and people to come out at different places in the country tomorrow to show solidarity with him.
Speaking at the rally in Gujranwala, the chairman of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf directly addressed the establishment and warned that if the country and the economy were to “fall further” under the current government, it would be held responsible.
“I am addressing those who have strength,” he said at the Jinnah Stadium.
“I want to ask the establishment… the way this government is taking down this country and the economy… I know you call yourself neutral but for the way the country is going down this The country will hold you responsible. They will hold you responsible because you could have saved the country from getting stuck in this quagmire but you did nothing.”
Imran Khan is facing a case of contempt of court for making controversial remarks against a woman judge.