Telangana declares “war” on drugs, police offer rewards for busting trade

Telangana Chief Minister KCR urges police and excise officials to put a stop to drug trade


Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao has declared an “all-round war” on illegal drugs – especially the cultivation and use of cannabis.Hemp) – and ordered to develop a comprehensive action plan to “completely wipe out” the state police force Hemp Production”.

The Chief Minister also called for an end to gambling and illicit liquor, calling for strict measures, including monitoring of educational institutions, to achieve these objectives. They have also offered rewards, including cash, and special promotions for successful executives.

The orders were given at a high-level meeting of police officials and the Excise Department in Hyderabad on Wednesday. An official statement said the chief minister told the officials that they needed to act before the situation got out of hand and turned serious.

“We achieved Telangana state after a long battle. We achieved many goals with development as the goal (and) our police is maintaining excellent law and order… we controlled the insurgency… of the state. Prestige and prestige have increased. It is unfortunate that the availability of banned drugs has increased.”

“If we don’t address this disease, there is a danger that the victory we have won will go in vain. The police and excise officials should heed these warning bells seriously,” he said.

The Chief Minister announced, “I have called this meeting with pain, concern. One can see the situation based on reports that different youths are forming WhatsApp groups, exchanging messages and taking drugs.” Innocent youth are falling prey to drug smugglers.”

He warned officials that weaning off drug addicts is a long and complicated process, and urged them to strike now and stop people from becoming addicted to dangerous substances.

“To eradicate Hemp Do not spare the mafia and criminals, whoever they are,” he ordered.

A special team led by a DG rank police officer has been formed. Excise commissioner Sarfaraz Ahmed has been asked to strengthen his squads, and the state intelligence department has been asked to form a team to strengthen the communication network.

The order comes a day after the Hyderabad Police arrested a drug smuggler associated with the trade in Maharashtra, Gujarat and UP and seized 40 kg of liquor. Hemp The cost of which is around 4 lakh rupees.

A few days back, a large consignment of 300 kg worth Rs 30 lakh was also seized in Hyderabad.

ANI. with the input of


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