Telangana man forces pregnant wife to drink toilet cleaner, runs away after death

Telangana Police is on the lookout for Tarun, who is absconding, for forcing his pregnant wife to drink toilet cleaning liquid. He died on Wednesday. Her family alleges that Tarun harassed her for dowry money and killed her by forcing her to drink toilet cleaner.

Tarun forced his wife Kalyani to drink toilet cleaner. He died in the hospital on Wednesday. (representative image)

A pregnant woman in Telangana’s Nizamabad district died on Wednesday, April 27, after her husband forced her to drink toilet cleaning acid. The incident is of Rajpet Thanda of Varni Mandal of Nizamabad. The accused is absconding and the police have formed teams to nab him.

Police said that husband Tarun had married the deceased Kalyani about four years ago.

According to a report in Times of India, three months ago, when Kalyani became pregnant, Tarun started harassing her by saying that she was not looking well. Varni police said that he also started harassing her for taking more dowry money from her family.

After they got into an argument on Tuesday, Tarun allegedly forced Kalyani to drink toilet cleaning liquid. She fell very ill and her family took her to the government hospital in Nizamabad for treatment.

However, he died during treatment on Wednesday. Kalyani’s relatives filed a complaint against Tarun and his family, alleging that they harassed her for extra dowry and killed her by forcing her to consume toilet-cleaning liquid.

Based on the complaint, the police registered a case against Tarun and two members of his family under sections 302, 304-B ​​and 498-A of the Indian Penal Code.

At present the accused are absconding and the police have started raids to nab them.