Ten students from Manipur arrive in Kannur University

Students from strife-torn areas of Manipur at Kannur University on Tuesday.
| Photo Credit: Sajit C P

Ten students from strife-torn areas of Manipur have reached Kannur University to pursue higher education.

The university had announced support to students in Manipur following the ethnic strife in that State.

The students were given a warm a welcome by K.K  Shailaja, MLA, Vice-Chancellor Gopinath Ravindran, and faculty members on Tuesday. All those who arrived belong to the Kuki tribal community.

Speaking to mediapersons, Mr. Ravindran said they were expecting about 70 students to join various courses in the colleges affiliated to the university. Many of them had no certificates and documents as they were living in camps following violence.

The Vice-Chancellor said they had not carried out discussions with any universities in Manipur. “However, we are not insisting on producing the required documents and certificates. They can submit it before completing their final semester,” Mr. Ravindran said.

He said most students reached here with the support of the Kuki’s Students Organisation. They had expressed their wish to join BBA, LLB, master’s in English, History, Political Sciences, Ancient History and Archaeology, Commerce, Sociology, Chemistry, Computer Science, and other subjects.

Mr. Ravindran said the university was in discussions with colleges that were ready to provide facilities to the students.

He said a committee comprising the university registrar and syndicate and faculty members had been formed to make arrangements for the students. Along with this, a college committee would also be formed to look into their issues. The university had requested the colleges to bear their expenses and seek the help of others in the process.

Meanwhile, the students said they were thankful to the university for supporting them.

Kimshi Lhaineikim, who had to discontinue Ph.D. in Anthropology from Dhanamanjuri University, said peace had not been restored in Manipur. In such circumstances, continuing education there was not possible. Students had to go into hiding and many lost certificates and documents, she said.

“We wish to complete our education and Kannur University has given us an opportunity,” she added.

Goulungmon Haokip, who will be joining LLB, said he had to leave the course halfway through. He approached many colleges to continue studies in vain. No other college or university approached to support them, he said.