The 7 Best Carbs to Help Manage Diabetes

Carbohydrates are not your enemy – they are your friend. Your body gets energy from carbohydrates. However, not all carbs are created equal. If you have diabetes, the idea is to choose whole, unprocessed carbohydrates over refined options and simple sugars. Carbohydrates high in fiber and minerals should be consumed because they are digested more slowly and release energy more slowly.

are here Seven Good Sources of CarbohydratesWith advice on how to use them to maintain healthy blood sugar levels to get you started.

1. Sweet Potato

A healthy option is sweet potatoes. It is rich in more nutrients and digests more slowly, making it good for people with diabetes. For better calorie control, eat your food steamed, roasted or baked.

2. Oats

The healthiest habit you can make is to eat oats for breakfast. Choose savory recipes instead of sweet ones. Add whatever vegetables you like. Due to their diverse carbohydrate composition, oats provide nutrition without affecting blood sugar levels.

3. Apples and Pears

Both these fruits have low sugar content and high fiber content. Eat them fresh instead of juices, which lack fiber.

4. Brown Rice

Compared to white rice, which is a refined version, whole brown rice is a better choice for meals. Its kernel contains more minerals and fiber.

5. Yogurt

Good Old – Yogurt is easy on the stomach, rich in probiotics, calcium and protein, and has very few carbs. It helps in building bones while boosting immunity. Learn more about the health benefits of yogurt.

6. Squash Vegetables

Pumpkin, butternut squash and other types of vegetables are among the healthiest vegetables for diabetics. They’re high in fiber and essential minerals, including manganese, vitamin C, and beta-carotene, which the body turns into vitamin A, which supports healthy vision and skin.

7. Dairy

Just because you have diabetes doesn’t mean you should give up milk and cheese. Despite having a low carbohydrate content, both foods have high nutritional value. Talk to your health care professional to find out what type of dairy works best for your meal planning and blood sugar purposes.

You don’t have to give up carbohydrates if you have diabetes. To control your blood sugar level and eat proper carbs for diabetes, you need to make wise decisions and practice mindful eating.

(Disclaimer: The information given in this article is based on general information and does not endorse the opinion of any expert. Zee News does not endorse it.)