The answer to this riddle may sound simple, but it isn’t

Last Update: May 09, 2023, 08:37 IST

The sign is that you use it daily. And in this world of technology everyone owns it. (Credits: Instagram)

The picture of the quiz was shared by an Instagram page called Optical Illusion with the caption, “Friday Riddle!”

Compelling minds of all ages to look beyond our eyes, optical illusions have earned their place as one of the most loved things on the internet. Optical illusions are brain teasers that often involve lateral thinking. There are quite a few varieties of optical illusions – mathematical problems, riddles and puzzles.

These images have a unique ability to uncover hidden personality traits and gauge your intelligence level, plus they’re fun to solve. Just like this new puzzle that has got internet users scratching their heads. Why don’t you give it a whirl? All you have to do is answer a simple question.

The picture of the quiz was shared by an Instagram page called Optical Illusion with the caption, “Friday Riddle!” The question read, “You give me answers, but I never ask you questions. Who am I?”

While such puzzles appear easy to solve, most of you can give wrong answers. Your time starts now. Can you guess it? No? Okay, let’s give you a hint. You use it everyday. And in this world of technology everyone owns it. Furthermore, many people find it impossible to live life without it.

Now, were you able to guess it? No, “math book” is not the correct answer. If you guessed it wrong, don’t worry, because you’re not alone.

Numerous users flooded the comments section with guesses, and not all of them were correct. While “math book” turned out to be the most preferred guess, many also believed that the correct answer was “Google”. You may find it hard to believe, but guesses like “god,” “mind,” and some virtual assistants have even made it into the comments section.

One user wrote, “Probably Alexa, Siri, Cortana or Google.” But few were able to give the correct answer and that is “Phone”. Chances are high that the answer to this riddle could also be a “door”, as several people wrote in the comments section.

The explanation of this riddle is that you answer your phone when someone is calling or you answer your door when someone comes.

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