The Canadian Prime Minister tried to impress the Chinese President, got a rude reply, watch the video

Canadian President Xi Jinping’s heated exchange with Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been caught on camera after the G-20 summit in Bali, Indonesia. Usually this type of conversation is rarely seen. Xi, in a meeting with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, hinted that talks between their earlier applicants were leaked to the media. The incident took place in front of televised technology, showing Jinping angry and taking offense at Trudeau over the fact that some of their earlier meeting had been leaked to the media.

On Wednesday, the Chinese President told Trudeau through another dialogue at the closing session of the G-20 meeting, “The newspaper of what we discuss is leaked. It is not fair.” He said, “This is not the way to negotiate. If there is gravity, we can have a good conversation. Otherwise it will be difficult.” Told.

Trudeau didn’t stop either and interrupted the dictionary to say, “We believe in free, open and frank dialogue and that’s what we live by. We pretend by working together, but there will be things we connect on.” ”

Following Trudeau’s response, Xi smiled but maintained his demeanor of a frustrated headmaster, saying, “That’s great but first we’ll see.” The two leaders then shook hands and walked in different directions. Went.

When asked about talks with Jinping, Trudeau said, “Not every conversation is going to be easy, but it is extremely important that we stick to the things that matter to Canadians.”

In fact, Trudeau spoke with Xi on Tuesday and his office said Trudeau had raised concerns about Chinese interference in Canada’s elections. According to estimates from a government source’s records, Trudeau raised Ukraine, North Korea and the creation of change in their ten-minute conversation. This conversation was leaked to the media and this angered Xi Jinping.

For Xi, the encounter with Trudeau was—hopefully—not the only surprise at the G20. Earlier, a scheduled meeting between Xi and British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak was canceled due to “time pressures”, according to Britain’s Guardian newspaper.

Leaders of the Group of 20 (G-20) world’s wealthiest nations concluded a two-day summit on the Indonesian island of Bali on Wednesday, raising Russia’s flag in Ukraine “in the strongest terms”, among other signals gone Gone. French President Emmanuel Macron urged China to play “more of a tenant role”.

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