‘The Family Man’ actor Shahab Ali’s next goal: Buying a house

Actor Shahab Ali plays Sajid in ‘The Family Man’

Actor Shahab Ali says playing the role of Sajid in the film family man changed his life. In an interview with Humans of Bombay, Shahab Ali revealed that his father had died at the age of 21 and had just taken admission in Delhi University. Shahab said, “Abbu used to repair clocks and sell kites, so even as a kid I used to help him after school. And then when I was in 9th standard, I opened my kite shop. ” “But Abbu’s death shook us.”

His father left behind a family of four, and as the eldest brother, all the responsibilities fell on the Shahab. He used to go to college during the day and work at his kite stall in the evening.

In college, Shahab was introduced to theater and found his true calling. He knew he wanted to act, he was happiest on stage. At the same time, he realized that he needed to support his family, and so he took up a job in journalism. “But when I was on the field, interviewing people, I realized that wasn’t my calling, I just wanted to act!” he said.

Then Shahab went to his mother and told her that he wanted to pursue acting seriously, assuring her that if nothing happened in three years he would quit his regular 9 to 5 job. After two attempts, he got a scholarship to the National School of Drama and gave his all to acting for the next three years.

The two roles gave him some much-needed stability. Shahab said, “I got a role in India’s first musical, Zangoor. I was excited! And soon after, another musical, Mughal-e-Azam followed.” She was able to buy her mother the gold bangles she had sold for her husband’s treatment.

“That day, we both cried. And then, I closed my kite stall. It was bitter; that stall had helped me through my days of crisis, but at the same time it felt like the beginning of a new chapter.”

Shahab, though he wanted to become an actor, did not move to Mumbai until his responsibilities in Delhi were completed. When his sister got married and his brother completed his education, he moved to Mumbai and attended an audition family man.

“The audition went well, but I waited for a month for the response,” Shahab said. He was on a steady rise during that month, but it was all worth it when he got the script with his name on it. “I was thrilled,” says the actor.

The show became a huge success and gave Shahab an opportunity to work with Manoj Bajpayee, but he says that true recognition for him comes with a twinkle in his mother’s eyes whenever someone praises her performance.

Shahab Ali is currently living with his mother in a rehabilitation colony and his next goal is to buy a house.

“I still get rejected, but my mantra is simple, ‘I have nothing to lose, but a lot to gain. And that’s what got me here today,” he says.

Fans on social media have described Shahab Ali’s interview as inspiring.

One Facebook user wrote, “Congratulations…very inspiring..you worked so hard and never gave up.”

“Your performance in Family Man was excellent. Wishing you all the best for your best performance!” Said another.

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