The ideas that were discussed in the Sarvadharma Sammelan in 1924 are relevant even today: Chief Minister

Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan has said that the thoughts and ideas that were discussed in the Sarva Dharma meeting convened under the leadership of Narayana Guru in Aluva a century ago are relevant even today.

Inaugurating the centenary celebrations of the Aluva meeting held at Advaitashramam in Aluva in 1924, Mr. Vijayan said that the Guru had said that education alone could ensure human progress. He also reminded that agricultural and industrial progress can be achieved only through education. He said that the State Government has named the Open University after the Guru in honor of the social reformer.

The meeting was presided over by Swami Satchidananda, president of Sivagiri Math. The chief guest was Leader of the Opposition VD Satheesan. MN Soman, President, Sree Narayana Dharma Paripalana Yogam; Anwar Sadath, MLA, and Aluva Municipal Chairman MO John were among the speakers.