The ‘Minus-One Formula’: What Is It, And Could Former Pakistan PM Imran Khan Be Its Next Victim? – times of India

New Delhi: Former Prime Minister Imran Khan KHANparty of Pakistan The Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) has launched nationwide protests against the “minus-one formula”, a widely used term in the country, which refers to a political campaign against its own leader by the “establishment”. Describes attempts to replace the crew, usually in return for a survival guarantee.
PTI has claimed that attempts are being made to use the formula to disqualify Khan from any future elections.
What is the minus-one formula?
The term is widely used in Pakistan whenever the period of political upheaval reaches its peak.
The measure has usually been taken as an indication that a political leader may be close to being declared persona non grata by the “establishment”. [usually read as army]”And the people around the said person should take advantage of the opportunity and fill in the blank that is about to arise.
In short, it is an attempt to turn a political party against its own leader.
Many civilian leaders perceived as being too big for their shoes have been sidelined or ousted in questionable ways. PMs, presidents and even lesser politicians who have been deemed ‘undesirable’ for defying the red lines have found themselves on the receiving end of ‘minus-one’.

Rumors abound that the formula would be invoked against Khan given the deterioration in the former PM’s relationship with the state in recent months.
It is widely believed in Pakistan that this formula has been used countless times to remove or even eliminate democratically elected leaders who had always stepped on the shoes of the military. The term was first used in print during Benazir Bhutto’s first term (1988–1990), while the idea itself was in 1947.
Government trying to suppress me: Khan
Chanting “minus-one sutra” not approved [not acceptable]”, PTI supporters said they want to send a clear message to the “powers” that Khan should not be disqualified or dismissed in any way “as it would be detrimental to Pakistan’s democratic process”.

During a recent rally, Khan said that the Pakistani government is trying to stop him from contesting elections by using a “minus-one formula”. He said “imported” Shahbaz Sharif The government cannot compete with him in the elections, so they want to disqualify him through technical means.
“Dozens of cases, even terrorism and blasphemy cases, have been registered against me,” he said. Some PTI leaders are concerned that the anti-terrorism cases registered against the former PM could be used to bar Khan from contesting any elections.

In another rally, Khan took a veiled attack on the army. “I am addressing those who have power. I want to ask the establishment… the way this government is taking down this country and the economy… I know you call yourself neutral. But this country will hold you responsible for it. The way the country is going down. They will hold you responsible because you could have stopped the country from getting stuck in this quagmire but you did nothing.”
Other PTI leaders said the postponement of bypolls to 13 National Assembly constituencies, of which Khan was contesting in nine, supported their fears that Khan could be disqualified for public office.
could Imran be next?
According to many political experts, the minus-one formula has been used in one way or the other since the beginning. Liaquat Ali KhanFrom the first PM of Pakistan to the PM of three times Nawaz Sharif, In short, democracy has been derailed time and again and has never really been implemented.
“What I am preparing this country for… I will need the youth of this country very much for Hakiki Azadi (real freedom),” Khan said at his rally. “I am ready to sacrifice my life for real freedom in the country. Jail is a small thing if the country gets real freedom.”
This formula has also been allegedly used against Fatima Jinnah. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and boast mujeeb rehman, All the people deposed by the sutra had one thing in common, they were the darlings of the public.
The recent performance of Imran Khan, the head of the country’s largest and only federal party, has certainly shown that the deposed PM enjoys huge popularity, especially among the youth.
Furthermore, his repeated veiled attacks on the “establishment” for conspiring against him with “foreign powers” to overthrow his government, have wide public appeal but certainly have no friends in the corridors of power. is winning.
Khan is trying to put pressure on the Shahbaz Sharif government to conduct the elections ahead of time. Officially, general elections are not due until November of next year.
(with inputs from agencies)