The Morning Ritual You Need For A Healthy And Happy Day: Ash Gourd Juice

How do you start your day? With caffeine or with a healthy drink? We all have read and heard how we should begin our day on a healthy note – not with tea or coffee, but with a nutritious option like herbal water, spice water or juice. Ash Gourd Juice is one of the best options to include in your morning routine. It is a powerhouse of goodness that’s here to elevate your mornings and set the tone for a fantastic day. Even Mira Kapoor enjoys ash gourd juice as a part of her diet. 

What Is Ash Gourd Juice?

First things first, what exactly is Ash Gourd? Ash Gourd, also known as white Petha in India, is a fruit that belongs to the gourd family. It’s known for its mild flavour and high water content, making it a perfect ingredient for fresh juice.
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Health Benefits Of Ash Gourd Juice:

Health coach Shilpa Arora emphasises the alkaline nature of Petha and its incredible benefits, “Drinking fresh Ash Gourd Juice in the morning helps cleanse your body of toxins. It’s not just about detox; it’s also incredibly soothing for your stomach.”

Adding to it, Dietitian Kajal Aggarwal, in one of her Instagram posts, lists down various benefits of drinking Ash Gourd Juice every morning:

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1. Hydration Booster: Ash gourd juice is a natural thirst quencher, rich in water content, helping you stay well-hydrated.

2. Weight Management: Low in calories and high in fibre, it aids in weight loss and promotes a feeling of fullness.

3. Digestive Health: It soothes the digestive system, alleviating issues like indigestion and constipation.

4. Skin Radiance: Packed with vitamins and antioxidants, it promotes healthy skin, reducing signs of ageing.

5. Blood Pressure Control: Potassium content supports cardiovascular health by regulating blood pressure.

6. Detoxification: Acts as a detox agent, flushing out toxins from the body.

7. Immune Support: Boosts immunity with essential nutrients.
8. Stress Reduction: The calming effect on the nervous system helps manage stress. Ashgourd juice is a wholesome elixir for overall well-being.

Now, let’s turn to health expert Deepti Tiwari, who sheds light on additional health benefits of Petha or Ash Gourd:

“One of the most significant benefits of Ash Gourd or Safed Petha is weight loss. It’s incredibly low in calories and rich in soluble fibres, keeping you full for a longer time. Plus, it’s loaded with potassium, acting as a diuretic for those dealing with water retention. But that’s not all; Ash Gourd also contains vitamin B2, which is fantastic for maintaining energy levels.”

So, the next time you’re wondering how to make your mornings healthier and more vibrant, consider a glass of Ash Gourd Juice. It’s a simple addition to your daily routine that promises a world of good for your body and mind. How do you make it? Find the recipe here