The Omicron variant is making headlines. World leaders prepare

In this context, Australian virologist Ian McKay “misinformation mouse” Well fed from a constant diet of spoiled COVID. Keen observers have noted that despite low vaccination levels, South Africa recently delayed additional deliveries of Pfizer vaccines, citing low demand. Even in developing countries, vaccine hesitation is emerging as a more powerful barrier to better outcomes than a lack of vaccines.

In our scenario work, we also observed a vaccine-invasive variant most likely to reignite environmental geopolitical tensions, heightened selfish and non-cooperative behaviors, increased blame and discrimination, and vaccine nationalism and favoritism. .

For example, in countries experiencing a collapse of trust in government (more so by pandemic-related measures), the sense of a secure and common future for all (a marker of civic stability) is eroded. NS”fantastically wide“The set of future scenarios that emerge may be far broader, including the potential for foreign policy misadventures to distract domestic audiences from their plight.

Strong Strategies for Now

work in our scenario, we recognized Six Strong Strategies for Business Leaders, Omicron’s new threat underscores the first of these – helping to defeat COVID. It starts with ensuring safety for employees, customers and other stakeholders. Until we have clarity about the exact risks of Omicron, leaders should act with extreme caution.

The travel ban introduced over the weekend is an attempt to enforce this precautionary principle but grossly fail Because the virus moves much faster than it can move. Businesses can do better by supporting proven public health measures such as wearing masks, regular testing and other appropriate distancing measures.

Beyond direct stakeholders, we have seen that better short- and long-term outcomes begin with greater collaboration and solidarity to vaccinate the entire global population and reduce the chance of recurrence waves of the virus.

Now is the time to dust off contingency plans for the negative situations discussed for organizations. With the potential for a new period of exponential spread, they should note WHO guidance To react quickly – “speed trumps perfection”. To be able to act at speed in the context of a crisis, scenarios should be simulated and decisions rehearsed.

Omicron is undoubtedly a new phase of crisis in the protracted pandemic. It is easy and even forgivable for anyone to take a passive approach to facing another negative surprise. And yet, through activism, collaboration, and decisiveness, courageous leaders can tilt the scale toward better outcomes.

This Article Originally published in World Economic Forum.

Read also: The omicron variant may have emerged from an AIDS patient with long-term covid, scientists suspect.