The pace of innovation will continue to accelerate amid India’s digital push

In 2021, innovation was driven by digitization on an unprecedented scale in every aspect of life, accelerated by the pandemic. The healthcare ecosystem in particular has made a tremendous impact through technology creation and adoption, from the development and roll-out of coronavirus vaccines to applications for tracking and administering them, the spread of tele-consultation, remote diagnosis and treatment. saw.

These developments show how in just one year, driven by vital human need, ingenuity and powerful computing, innovation can fundamentally change what is possible.

With one of the highest vaccination rates in the world, India is now on the path of economic recovery. There are still challenges ahead, and technological innovation that makes the world safer, builds healthy and vibrant communities, and increases productivity will be the key to a sustained rebound.

The environment has never been better for this kind of innovation. Fifty years after the launch of the first microprocessor, the 4004, a quartet of technology superpowers – ubiquitous computing, cloud-to-edge infrastructure, widespread connectivity and artificial intelligence (AI) – are poised to drive new technology use cases and solutions .

Lower cost, more predictive public health through AI and seamless cloud-to-edge data

In health care, technologies such as AI can help clinicians collect more comprehensive data, increase efficiency and collaboration while reducing costs – all aimed at improving patient care.

AI in medical imaging is democratizing healthcare, particularly in the investigation of diseases such as diabetic retinopathy. For example, a cloud-based AI solution using deep-learning models is helping to detect diabetic retinopathy in a short time. This helps doctors to give immediate advice on whether the patient needs to be referred to the hospital. In the coming year, we can expect to see a rapid increase in the use of AI to assess massive amounts of health data at a low cost. It touches on everything from more accurate cancer diagnosis to predictive analysis.

Safer roads, cleaner air through AI-powered mobility

Many companies in India are using their reach, scale and resources to accomplish bold goals, working with customers and partners to make even greater impact. For example, an ecosystem consortium recently launched a seminal project called iRASTE (Intelligent Solutions for Road Safety through Technology and Engineering). Leveraging the power of AI, it aims to achieve a 50% drop in road accidents in Nagpur city in the next two years and lays out a vision zero for the country.

In India, intelligent, cloud-to-edge-connected, 5G-enabled automobiles will bring many benefits. For example, greater standardization of driving conditions will lead to increased road safety. The widespread connectivity of AI-based vehicles enables real-time traffic data and information on road conditions and parking space availability. This can reduce fuel consumption, make parking more efficient and cut down on daily commute times, thereby reducing vehicular emissions. CAS (Collision Avoidance System) and ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance System) technologies also align with the government’s Smart Cities mission, providing critical infrastructure for building a more tech-enabled nation.

Computing becomes more human

There will be further development of neuromorphic computing in 2022, which applies insights from neuroscience to create programs that can mimic and enhance the capabilities of humans, vastly expanding our potential.

Health care applications of neuromorphic computing could be a lifeline for India’s under-staffed healthcare system. According to WHO, in 2019, India had 9.28 doctors per 10,000 people, while it was 26.04 in the US.

The pace of innovation continues to accelerate

Since the first microprocessors launched 50 years ago, Moore’s Law has been used to predict the pace of innovation, but we are now at a point where we are moving faster and in more interesting directions than ever before. can innovate.

Tech has never been more important to humanity. The challenges of the 21st century that we need technology to solve are actually existential. The pace of innovation will continue to accelerate in 2022, driven by AI, cloud-to-edge infrastructure, widespread connectivity and ubiquitous computation. New use cases built on these pillars will build on world-changing technology to help India overcome the pandemic, enrich the lives and experiences of its citizens and help the country achieve its goal of becoming a $1 trillion digital economy by 2025. Will take you closer

Nivruti Rai is the Country Head of Intel India and Vice President of Intel Foundry Services.

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