The popularity of the Modi government is the highest since the start of the Kovid epidemic.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government’s approval rating has risen to the highest since the start of the pandemic, though there are concerns over rising prices of essential commodities and unemployment, the latest survey showed on Monday.

Modi government Of the 64,000 people surveyed by LocalCircles, 67% met or exceeded expectations in the second term. This is a jump from 51% last year when a brutal second wave of Covid-19 infections overwhelmed hospitals and crematoriums and 62% in 2020 when the pandemic began.

Those surveyed said the government was better prepared to handle the third wave of COVID-19 infections and had managed the economy effectively. Still, there were concerns about unemployment being around 7% since the beginning of the year, of which 47% said that India has not been able to address the issue.

However, there has also been an increase in confidence in the government’s handling of unemployment, with 37% approval. This is an increase from 27% in 2021 and 29% in 2020, where there were heavy lockdowns that saw migrant workers lose their jobs in cities, although the rural employment guarantee program helped.

Growing acceptance comes as India’s retail inflation is tracking an eight-year high, a politically sensitive issue that prompted Modi’s government to ban wheat and sugar exports and rein in any price hikes. Have seen many solutions.

The survey highlights the issue with 73% of Indians saying that the price of essential commodities and the cost of living have not come down in the last three years, a significant flash point. Modi Who is seeking a third term in the elections to be held in 2024.

Here are some other findings from the survey, which was published as he completed eight years in office on May 30:

  • 73% said they are optimistic about themselves and their families’ future in India.
  • 44 per cent believed that the government did not take adequate measures to improve air quality and reduce pollution.
  • 60% of those surveyed said that the government has been effective in improving communal harmony while 33% disagreed.
  • More than 50% said that doing business in India has become easier.

This story has been published without modification in text from a wire agency feed. Only the title has been changed.

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