the privilege of aging

One has to live to grow old, and when one lives contentedly and happily, there is no need to repent

“Sir, you don’t look over 50 years old!” It was the optician who entered the form I had to fill while checking the date of birth. My wife, who was with me, immediately whispered in my ear that I should take this comment only as a marketing tactic.

Without any need for strategies, marketing or anything else, she had no brains whatsoever to dispel any grand illusions of my age! Whatever it may be, I was wondering why people should be concerned if they get older or look older. The desire to be told that they look smaller than they are is, perhaps, an understandable form of vanity.

Often comes across an observation such as “He is very handsome even for his age” or “He has aged handsomely.” I think that observation is based, at least in part, on seeing those who have accepted old age with dignity and a measure of calmness. On the other hand, there are people who look tormented and upset with age and also show it and when this happens, we say, “He looks much older than himself.”

Aging is a natural process and it is not a matter of choice, but how we handle it, it is! There is no known elixir that bestows human youthfulness and vitality that will defy and reverse the aging process. And thank God for that! Imagine a world that is rapidly bursting with young “old” people who have resisted aging!

A wise man once said, “A beautiful face in youth is the result of luck; a beautiful face in old age is earned by kindness and wisdom.” Of course, there are challenges in how parents and senior citizens are treated with their children. Some cases of “elders” being neglected or trampled on financially or emotionally or both, or both, are dark and horrifying facts of today, and although the Maintenance of Parents and Senior Citizens (Amendment) Bill, 2019 (in Parliament) Waiting to be passed) on the anvil, what is required is understanding and sympathy, not limited to finances, from the kin of superiors.

Since aging is inevitable in the journey of life, it is also important to seek and find ways and means to enjoy the journey. These days, concepts like assisted living with regular health check-ups and nursing care have gained vogue. In the homes of such senior citizens, the “seniors” find it easier to lead a safe community life without the hassle of mundane household chores such as dusting, cleaning and even cooking.

To grow old, one has to live, and when one lives with contentment and happiness, there should be no regrets, because as the saying goes, “Don’t regret growing up, it is a privilege for many.” deprived of it.”
